Student representatives / Fachschaft

Every student at the Institute of Musicology is a member of the Fachschaft. They are represented by the student representatives who take care of potential issues and problems of the students. Suggestions are therefore always welcome.

The student representatives organize stands at the fresher's day, take part in the conferences of the institute, where they can additionally influence the planing of future courses, and takes care of parties and events during the semester.

The Fachschaft also operates a mailinglist where they inform members about upcoming events, such as guest presentations, parties or other events in Bern. You can sign up here

Every student who is interested in being involved is welcome to join the student representatives!

You can reach us at

Function Person(s)
President Aleksandra Nikolic
Marketing David Stöckli
Finances & Law Samira Diem
Events & Bookings Joseba Zbinden
Secretary / Recruiting Youri Zwahlen
Sponsorings open
Representatives Thomas Tschudin